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Three hundred poems of the Tang Dynasty (15th Nov 22 at 5:44am UTC)
i see arise, far in the east the cold bright sun. 069 Seven-Character-Ancient-Verse Han Yu An Ode to the Stone Drums Zhang Sheng, holding a stone drum inscription, advised me to write a stone drum song. There is no banished immortal dead in Shaoling, so what is Nai Shigu? Zhou Gang Ling Chi four seas boiling, Xuan Wang angrily waved day Ge; Da Kai Ming Tang was congratulated by the court, and the swords of the princes were worn and grinded. Search in Qiyang Cheng Xiongjun, thousands of miles of animals are covered. Engrave the merit of Le Cheng to tell the eternal, chisel the stone to make the drum craggy. I am the first in talent and art, and I choose to write the inscription to stay in the mountain. The rain drenches, the sun scorches, the wild fire burns,jacuzzi swim spa, the ghost thing guards annoyingly. “Where you managed to get these rubbings, please let me know. Everything is in such detail and yet precise so!” The words are strict and the meaning is difficult to read, and the font is not similar to Li and. Being ages old, there are words that have of strokes a lack, Quick sword cuts off Sheng Jiao. Under the phoenix and all the immortals,4 person jacuzzi, the coral and green trees cross the branches. The golden rope and iron rope lock button are strong, and the ancient tripod leaps over the water and the dragon flies. Poems compiled by the humble Confucian scholars are not included, and the two elegant people are forced to be uncommitted. Confucius did not reach the Qin Dynasty on his journey to the west, and he left Xi'e to the stars. It was too late to give birth to a good ancient life, and tears poured down on it. In the early days of the past, Dr. Meng Zheng was renamed yuanhe at the beginning of his year. The old friend joined the army in the right auxiliary, for me to measure and dig the mortar. Wash the crown and bathe in the sacrificial wine, so how much is the treasure? Wrapped in a felt mat, best whirlpool tub ,outdoor whirlpool, it can stand upright, and ten drums can only carry several camels. Recommend the Imperial Ancestral Temple than Gao Ding, the light price is more than a hundred times. If the holy grace is allowed to stay in Taixue, all the students can learn from each other. View by Hongdu still fill the throat, sit to see the whole country to rush. Grub out the moss, pick out the moss, expose the nodes and corners, and place them properly and evenly. The building is covered with deep eaves, which has gone through a long time. Chinese and Korean high officials are old in business and are willing to be grateful? When a shepherd boy knocks on a fire bull to sharpen its horns, who will rub it with his hands? It will be buried when it is sold every day and every month. It has been singing in the air for six years. Xizhi's vulgar books take advantage of the charm, and the number of papers can still win the white goose. After the war of the eight Dynasties of the Zhou Dynasty, no one took care of it. Fang Jintai has nothing to do on weekdays, so he holds the post of Confucianism and worships Qiu Ke. How I wish my above points be brought to His Majesty Through someone vested with eloquent ability! The song of the stone drum stops here. Alas, I mean it is wasted.
seven-character-ancient-verse han yu a poem on the stone drums chang handed me this tracing, from the stone drums, beseeching me to write a poem on the stone drums. du fu has gone. li bai is dead. what can my poor talent do for the stone drums? ... when the zhou power waned and china was bubbling, emperor xuan, up in wrath, waved his holy spear: and opened his great audience, receiving all the tributes of kings and lords who came to him with a tune of clanging weapons. they held a hunt in qiyang and proved their marksmanship: fallen birds and animals were strewn three thousand miles. and the exploit was recorded, to inform new generations.... cut out of jutting cliffs, these drums made of stone- on which poets and artisans, all of the first order, had indited and chiselled-were set in the deep mountains to be washed by rain, baked by sun, burned by wildfire, eyed by evil spirits; and protected by the gods. ... where can he have found the tracing on this paper? true to the original, not altered by a hair, the meaning deep,whirlpool hot tub spa, the phrases cryptic, difficult to read. and the style of the characters neither square nor tadpole. time has not yet vanquished the beauty of these letters looking like sharp daggers that pierce live crocodiles,。 monalisa.com
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