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Magic guide armed (15th Nov 22 at 5:58am UTC)
The words of Jennifer Countess. Suddenly, there was a great uproar at the reception. What Artie just said is arrogant. But as the countess's words came out. The scene changed completely. You know, the Countess has no children. Once she's dead. The family lands, titles and dominions are still to be reclaimed by the Holy See. Unless the countess marries again. And gave birth to offspring. Many nobles and high clergy. That's what I like. That's why she went after Countess Jennifer. Once you get it. It is to get both people and money. Not only does she have such a beautiful countess to warm her bed. You can also get a huge family property. A split second. Half the men at the party. His eyes were full of jealousy and resentment when he looked at Adi. Obviously, for this teenager. They came out of nowhere and robbed them of the beauty they must have in their minds. Annoyed beyond measure. Artie shrugged his shoulders. "Jenny!" He whispered! Is this the situation you want? Adi's voice was so low that only Countess Jennifer could hear it. The countess showed a meaningful expression and said lightly: "Men should be responsible for doing things!" And took the initiative to take Adi's arm, as if the teenager as a male master. Adi smiled, and of course he knew that the countess was using him as a shield. In the future, no matter who wants to find her trouble, she has to ask a concubine named Adi, both the archbishop and Lord Weld. But Artie didn't care about it at all. He had learned a lot about Countess Jennifer from Constantine. The Countess's family property and influence were all he needed. For these benefits, he helped Countess Jennifer to avoid some trouble, but it was only a matter of benefit to both sides. Soon Constantine had the carriage ready, and Jennifer saw Addie out of the gate and kissed her goodbye, a gesture that shattered many men's hearts. Tuyuan lost so much face at the countess's cocktail party that Adi didn't want to stay in this gentle nest any longer. He still had a lot of things to do. It was not long before Constantine hitched up the carriage, and Adi hurried on with the woodlouse and Seleucid. Driven by Constantine, the carriage drove more than twenty kilometers away from Constantinople. Adi stopped the carriage and looked at Tubie,warehouse pallet racks, who had been very depressed all the time, and said, "Next, we are going to sweep the first target, which is the Black Dragon Thief Group in Notting Town not far ahead. Do you have anything to do with Tuyuan?" He shook his head and said, "My mood doesn't affect the battle." With a hum, Adi turned to Constantine and said,shuttle rack system, "You take Tuyuan and Seleucia and fight all the way according to my designated target. I will go around to the other side to prevent any fish from escaping the net. You will be in charge of all the actions in this battle." The young waiter was suddenly entrusted with such an important task, can not help but be a little surprised, he did not know what Adi wanted to play tricks, but in his capacity is not qualified to ask Adi's actions. Adi simply explained a few words to Seleucid and Tuyuan, saying, "Try to catch them alive. These people are of great use to me." Adi jumped out of the carriage and disappeared after a few ups and downs. Adi is not going to be a bodyguard for the bishops of those dioceses as Archbishop Wilder said. First, he is too busy to do it alone, and second, Adi is too lazy to care about the lives of those people. After carefully questioning Constantine, he formulated a policy of war, targeting all the bandits active in the whole Archdiocese of Constantine. There was not a day that Adi did not want to take revenge on the blood feud of the Lendak family, industrial racking systems ,heavy duty cantilever racks, but relying solely on the power of the Dark Holy Order, he They can't achieve their goals. Even if he reached the position of Pope, he belonged to the armed forces of the order and went to war against the Golden Moon Dynasty. Adi needs his own army, and these bandits are a natural source of soldiers. Although this goal is somewhat arrogant, Adi believes that with two powerful helpers, Tuyuan and Seleucia, and a knowledgeable old horse like Constantine, he will be able to wipe out the bandits in Constantine's area and reorganize an army.
After leaving the team, Adi ran all the way out of more than 20 kilometers, around a big circle, with a strong fighting spirit, from the wall of Notting Town into the ground, by this time the Tubie Department and Seleucid had rushed into Notting Town, and began to fight with the thieves entrenched here. In fact, this group of black dragon thieves is very famous, but not a few brushes, just a few strong men in the town, in order to resist the tax officer from the city, occasionally do chivalrous thieves, rob the rich to help the poor. It was only because Alexander had a serious shortage of troops and there was no oil and water in Notting Town that the bandits swaggered for a long time. Tuyuan and Seleucid are high rank, not to mention the black dragon bandits group is only a dozen people, the strongest person is just a veteran level, even if the bandits group really has a black dragon guardian, I'm afraid to be killed by two people together. Adi held the other end of Notting Town. After waiting for a while, he saw three men helping each other to escape. He coughed and shouted, "Big and small Anton brothers of the Black Dragon Thieves?"? This road is impassable. You'd better surrender as soon as possible. The two strong men in the first place, seeing that Adi was only a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old, immediately turned to the edge of evil courage, grabbed the thick iron bar in their hands, and rushed at Adi. One of them shouted at the top of his voice, "Kill this Vatican henchman, and we'll fly away immediately to join the Starscream Thieves. I know Andrew, the deputy leader there." Adi didn't know that he had a grudge against Chinchilla Mage Andrew, nor did he know that his name had been on the kill list of Starscream Thieves, but when he heard the bold words of the two brothers, he couldn't help smiling and didn't show his weapon. He just crossed his hand and cut the big and small Anton brothers straight to the ground. Another person saw Adi so ferocious, immediately frightened to kneel on the ground, loudly begging for mercy. But the Anton brothers were very tough. They shouted,push back racking system, "The Holy See doesn't give us a way out. They set the tax so high. When we formed the Black Dragon Thieves Group, we didn't want to live. Let's see what you can do with us!"! Kill us if you dare, and have a good time. 。 jracking.com
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